American wind jobs crack 100,000 according to DOE

Wind power employs just over 100,000 Americans according to new data released today by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), more than work at nuclear, natural gas, coal, or hydroelectric power plants.

Renewable Energy Employs 8.1 Million People Worldwide, Says New IRENA Report

Renewable energy jobs continue to rise even as employment in the broader energy sector falls

California's New Energy and Climate Goals Will Create Jobs and Boost the Economy

AEE member companies support Gov. Browns targets and Sen. de Leóns bill to expand opportunities for clean, renewable, and distributed energy resources

Solar Industry Makes Commitment to Employ 50,000 Veterans by 2020

"As an industry, we are completely committed to hiring more veterans"

Obama wants to train 75,000 new solar workers by 2020

President Obama launch a new initiative to expand the nation’s solar industry workforce during a visit to Utah’s Hill Air Force Base on Friday, seeking to gain support for his economic agenda in a heavily-Republican state.   The Energy Department will seek to train 75,000 people — including veterans — to enter the solar workforce by 2020, increasing the goal it set in May 2014 by 25,000.   “We’ve got to be relentless in our work to grow the economy and create good jobs,” Obama said after touring the brief tour, adding that other nations are seeking to expand their economies as well. “And that’s why we have to redouble our efforts to make sure that we’re competitive, to make sure that we’re taking the steps that are needed for us to be successful.”

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